Balance Between Body, Mind and Soul


Thermal Water Fountain

Owing to its remarkable diuretic and detoxifying effects, the water absorption from the Thermal Water Fountain has a remarkable therapeutic effect on chronic disorders of the renal-urinary system, hypertension, metabolic disorders, rheumatism, locomotion system and chronic respiratory disorders and skin ailments.




Thermal water massage with a temperature between 36ºC and 39ºC produces an analgesic and vasodilator effect, stimulating the venous and lymphatic system and allowing muscle relaxation.

Vichy Shower
Combining the benefits of thermal water jets with manual massage, this treatment allows an excellent muscle relaxation and a deeper toning up. Ideal for relieving tension and muscle aches.

Jet Shower
High pressure filiform shower creates a massage effect and muscle mass relaxation, stimulating the nervous and circulatory systems. With the possibility of general or regional use, it’s indicated for the relief of muscle tension, pain syndromes and kidney stones.



Berthollet Baths

Treatment recommended for arthritis and osteoarthritis through the use of vapour baths.




Located under the thermal spring and hermetically sealed, this special location allows the inhalation of the gases emanated by the source, being indicated, among others, to hypertension problems and central nervous system disorders.

Aerosols, Nebulisation and Nasal Irrigation
With preventive and curative effects on respiratory inflammations, it allows not only the airway clearance, but also the infiltration of particles of thermal water in low permeability areas of the respiratory system.



Explore the action of different electric wave lengths

Utra-sounds, Infra-reds, Shortwaves, Ionisation and High Pressures - on particularly sensitive areas such as joints.



The application of Parafango, Paraffine or Moist Heat, applies a tonic, sedative, anti-allergic and anti-inflammatory action on the muscular and nervous system.

The Thermotherapy is indicated for the treatment of osteoarthritis, traumatic injuries, dislocations, sprains and neuralgic contusions, myalgia, fibrositis, myositis and osteoporosis.



Rehabilitation and re-education of committed physical movements through exercises using specific mechanical equipment.



Therapy through Movement acts in muscles, articulations, ligaments, tendons and structures from central and peripheral nervous system, aiming the recovery from all functions associated.

Among the more employed therapeutic techniques are:

- Manual Massage
- Articular Mobilization
- Muscular Strengthening
- Balance and March Training



Under the orientation of a physiotherapist, the gymnastics performed in a pool, using active and passive Kinesiotherapy exercises, has therapeutic benefits on patients with stiff joints, painful syndromes, muscular atrophies, traumatic consequences or bone and joint problems and especially in the functional impotence of the locomotion system.

Balance Between Body,Mind and Soul